It is awesome to know and believe that God created all
things, that is; everything in the world including human beings.
You are a creation of God, carefully and wonderfully made.
Therefore no matter what you are going through in life, one fact you have to
appreciate is what King David spoke of in Psalm 139:14, “I praise you because I
am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full
Being fearfully and wonderfully made is great but then, it
is necessary to also know and glory in the fact that God has written in
His book all that you will do in His Will on earth, before you were born.
It is great to know that God has made a plan for your life
before you were born. The plan God made for your life could be likened to a
blueprint of your life.
Due to the fact that life is considered a journey,
whereby you move through the various stages, from birth though death into
eternity, what God has planned for your life becomes a destiny and King David
again spoke of this in Psalm 139:16, saying, “You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out
before a single day had passed.”
The contents of the book King David spoke of in Psalm 139:16
is what humanity should strive to discern and pursue because that is the
destiny God has charted out for us before birth.
Our Lord Jesus came and pursued only the destiny God had
planned for Him and that is why He said
“For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that
sent me.”
God absolutely also has a plan for your life, you cannot be
a rudderless boat left to fate and circumstances.
So we want to invite you to listen to 'The Destiny of A Man Broadcast' where the
discovery of your God given destiny and following the Pleasing Perfect Will of
God is our objective with the teachings of the destiny of a man made simple for
all to understand.
As a vibrant and an uplifting non denominational ministry, our goal is to preach salvation to the lost and to teach direct and lead
humanity into the God given destiny, to follow and live the Will of God.
Come and be part of the move of God to reveal more of His
Will and His Way in these last days.
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