I am not a fan of stuff that seek to bring division and for some time now I have observed the mudslinging about race everywhere and want to share my take on this, as an authority on the destiny of men and nations.
We need to recognize the fact that we all have sinned against each other and it is wrong for a single race to accept that they are the down troddens in this circumstances. Amidst the boundless opportunities, both spiritual and physical available to rise above the perceived oppression.
All lives matter and  let those who think they belong to a far superior race understand that the race of life has never been won by the STRONG, WISE or SWIFT but it is all about knowing the TIMES and the SEASONS of God. So if you happy to oppress others with your WISDOM of the world, know that God does not take kindly to that and there is definitely a repercussion.
Let every man/woman no matter your race rise up with a changed mentality, a transformation Through Jesus to maximize the moments of their God Given Destiny and see the results.
To the race pundits that are Christians, it is total ignorance if you pay too much attention to race because God is a Spirit, and Spirits have no color. Many people misunderstand the creation story, God created man twice, First as Spirit like him and secondly molded a body and placed that spirit in the body and gave the body a soul (the computer for emotions, thought and others).
Race which now is mostly about COLOR and languages is just God way of distribution and classification of nations. Whereby every race has a specific area of excellence to contribute to the progress of humanity. Just discover your area of excellence and see the creations of God bow to you, they are waiting for your earnest manifestation. If you don’t do nothing this is what will happen, Beggars will ride horses and Princes will walk. 
So is you are Christian and have been pushing the race thing whether Black or White, I respectfully say SHAME unto you.

